What an inspirational teacher, colleague and friend

Created by Rachel 11 months ago

Mr Bishop…… Paul……. Mr B………. I had the pleasure of working with Paul from 2016-2018 as a colleague, line manager, Headteacher and latterly a friend and tutor to a friends son who had become a school refuser.

Paul was an inspiration to so many children. His love of English, story-telling and creating a classroom environment to make learning come alive for children was second to none. His creativity and attention to detail always considering a hook into learning for each and every child was not something that was a termly thinking process for Paul it was a daily approach to ensuring each and every day the children walked into new and inspirational places, sigjts, sounds, smells, songs, books but most of all a personalised and memorable welcome wiyj Paul knowing each and every child so well, making yhem feel part of their class and school family. Most importantly Paul cared. He would never rest unless he knew every child felt safe, happy and inspired to learn. His passion for inclusion led him to become our SEN Co-ordinator. During that time he supported many teachers to improve their adaptation of learning to give access to all aspects of the curriculum but most of all he made a difference to a number of children who without his dedication woukd not achieved the life long learning goals that they have. Paul was also yhe inspiration fornus as a staff team, coming up eiyhnso many amazing ideas. He embraced the school being turned into an Olympiad stadium; a mediaeval castle and sipportinf yhe mant school shows. He was also a collegue whk put team work at the heart of all he did. He was always there with his beaming smile; his early morninf and after school jokes; his little tricks he played on people but most of all he was selfless; always putting others before himself; teaching was a vocarion for him not just a job. When he ledt mainstream teaching Paul chose to take his expertise into specialist tutoring. Paul changed children’s lives and his memory will kive on on theor successes, resilience and dedication fo know they can and have beleived in theor dreams becaise of Paul. Even when life was hard, Paul was anle to find a way to care, support and make a difference. Not onky was Paul a colleague but he became a friend makinf a huge difference to a friends son who struggled with his identity; the challenges he faced with a learning disabiility and the detemination to believe in his dreams . Thank you Paul for making a difference in so many children’s lives; for your humour and your care and love for your colleagues bit most of all thank you for your never ending determination. Thank you for making a difference. You have been taken too soon but you have left a mark on yhe world and in many people’s hearts that will never be erased. Rest easy Paul and keep smiling, singing and telling those jokes of yours! Love, hugs and prayers to your family and friends Rachel Jacob (Headteacher at The Weald CE Primary 2016-2018) x

